Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A Friend for All Seasons

Michael and I have a friend that has just been so supportive to us personally and also with the business. She is amazing at tax information and with a business you know that is imperative to understand taxes and do that correctly. So she has been a remarkable wealth of information for the business. I told her many many times she should write a tax book - because Michael is a very smart man but some of the tax info confused them before he started consulting her. And she made it so clear that often I could understand it and numbers confuse me! I know she doesn't feel she has the right qualifications to write a book on it but I think she is amazing!

And also as I said she personally has been just a great friend. She has let me vent to her before, given me a new perspective and just been there as a good friend in so many ways. I am really blessed to call her my friend.

So Michael and I wanted to do something for her. At Christmas time my family sends us little packages to open each day before Christmas and I remembered our friend commenting on how neat of idea that was and that would be so fun. So I created "A Friend for all Seasons" package - 30 days of little packages covering all the seasons of the year. Also right now she is on bed rest as she is pregnant with her first baby so I thought sending it now would be fun for her since she is going a little stir crazy.

I wrapped each little package and then put labels on them 1 to 30 with little clues of what might be in them. I made labels in word with dingbats and different fonts. It was fun as I love fonts! My sister gave me some perfect little bags recently that worked out good for several of the packages. I stamped them with a rubber stamp, punched holes in them to tie them with ribbon. I wrapped other packages in all sorts of tissues, wrapping papper and ribbons. It was a lot of fun to make this package up for her.

Well she got it yesterday so she started on her first package of the 30 days. I think I am just as excited as she is in opening her presents!

Here is a print screen of the labels I put on them....clicking on it will bring you to a bigger view.

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