Wednesday, January 24, 2007

A Good Step....

So this past weekend 2 pieces of mine were a part of a juried art exhibit. One of the pieces that I submited I also donated as part of a silent auction for charity. It didn't get their minimum bid on it (and many pieces from the sounds of it didn't get bids) and so they are sending it back to me. But I have already turned around and sold it because I had several people express interest in it.

"Painting is just another way of keeping a diary." ~ Pablo Picasso

"The aim off art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance." ~ Aristotle

Those two quotes come to mind when I think of the other piece I submitted. I created a triptych over a year ago. I knew there was something more that would come of it as they were just small little pieces....meant to be artist trading cards but when I was done with them they were a triptych and meant for something different. They struck a deep cord in me when I made them. I hung on to them. And then the news of this show came up immediatly the triptych came to mind. I knew what it represented when I made it but I couldn't find her name but that came to me at the same time. So I worked on them a little more adding some texture and demension to them and finally framing them.

I remember trying to talk myself out of entering. I thought they won't take any of the pieces. I was so scared but Michael and another friend of mine really encouraged me to just do it! And so I did and 2 of the 3 pieces I submitted were accepted. This really is the first show of its kind that I have participated in. I was very excited and yes it validated me as an artist. I guess I feel I shouldn't need the validation but it is is nice have at times. The show was this past weekend.

The person that ran the show called me within 10 minutes of the artist reception (which I couldn't be a part of since it was in Arizona) asking me if I was willing to sell the triptych as it was set just as an exhibit not a gallery type showing. She had several people express interest in it, but one of the people really connected with the piece. I said I needed to think about it as the person would be around that weekend if I was okay with selling it. I love sharing my art with others. I love that people want the pieces and that they see things in them that evoke emotions, ideas, dreams and such. The goal of all artists I believe is to sell their work. And I have been selling pieces here and there. But this piece...this was a major piece for me. And so I had make sure I was okay with parting with it plus Michael seemed really pleased with this piece too so I wanted to see if he was okay with parting with it too. He was fine...he knows what selling a piece of such power and energy could mean for me. And that was it....the person connected to it...they felt the energy...they felt the emotions. They felt something by looking at became theirs. And in the end that person got it. And that pleases me so much!

I found out that it sold for sure last night as the exhibit just went through the weekend and I was flying. I am happy that someone that really connected with the piece has it.

The piece is a little graphic...and people can be taken aback by it so I am happy to hear that so many liked it and connected to it.

We didn't have a chance to photograph them hanging all side by side before I had to ship it so I only have these the image to see a bigger version.

Section 2257
Each is 6" x 6"
Mix Media

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