Tuesday, February 21, 2006


I am posting pictures of my workspace because all the cool people are posting pictures of their workspace.

Ignore the ugly wallpaper please!

work table --- there is a little cart with 3 drawers that can fit under the table when I don't use the top for more supplies...like it is being used now. You can see a bit of it...the baby wipes are sitting on it.

Close up of table...the flat round container and the round tin are...full of bits and pieces. The flat one has quite a few fortunes from fortune cookies, it has foreign coins and stamps, metal bits and pieces and such. The round tin has buttons, mini playing cards, tags and whatnot.

Paper and Ephemera....the file folder has folders for everything under the sun - medical, people, nature, maps, and so on. The lovely Sam's water box is actually a box that I need to sort and file. And then the boxes behind it - the purple stripe box has pretty handmade papers, paintchips, and other pretty paper. The yellow box sitting in it is scraps...little scraps and it is going to go into the box under the purple stripe box that is empty.

Directly behind me as I sit at my work table is a shelving unit that I have had since I was in college. That thing has been battered and banged up but still survives all my moves. It has 3 columns of shelves. It recently contained books, more books and more books. I transferred some books to another shelving unit and then others into storage. Now it contains supplies...fibers, more paint (most of my paint is on my table), beading supplies, books that I cut up or alter, a basket full of cds that I intend to alter, box full of ribbon, colored pencils, pastels, markers, crayons, coloring books and toys(important part of creating for me), a box that I call my junk box - it has so many odds and ends of ephemera it is an insane box to open the combinations you find in it. Plus just so much more. I have boxes and crates under the unit that have magazines and newspapers.

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