Friday, December 09, 2005

Dreamer of Dreams

I made this for Michael for his birthday. I am not happy with how it turned out but he loves it. I tried to incorporate too much. Left bottom side is my hand...I did a print of it then painted layers over it. The heart in the middle is how it came out when I pressed my hand into the canvas...had the natural heart shape there. I included a piece of music. Some of the lyrics on it fit us. And then I wrote out also a piece from the Willy Wonka movie that we both like..."We are the music makers. We are the dreamer of dreams." I have the word dream on the piece a few times. I have a English to French dictionary piece that is translating the word journey. It is an important word for us. There is a king and queen playing card that painted over and then did a moon and heart over each one. Clock, starts, patterns...all parts of this piece too.

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