The challenge for the swaps was that the card had to be used from ads or junk mail - at least 75% of the card using recycled materials.
The 1st card again uses a xerox copy but for the base. The paper in some junk mail was a little to shiny for me so I just scanned it and then photoshoped it with some grunge texture on top and printed. But then the rest of it is from ads and junk mail.
The 2nd card bases had an ad on it for an expensive jewerly store but the texture and heaviness of the paper was great. So I just ripped it up and used as it not painting over it or worrying about where the words on it ended up. It just was a nice paper to touch. The butterfly is rubber stamp but the paper again from the background of add. Often they will have one little object/product on an ad and pretty textures and colors in the background. So I used the orange paper to stamp on. I had to use opaque ink to get it to stick and then used my heat gun to set it.
The 3rd was completely made out of recycled materials.
Also the actual base that I glued the 1st and 3rd card on were a heavy booklet we got in the mail about insurance. It was a heavier cardstock so I just cut them to size and glued on top of them.